function about() { eval( w_source() ) wl( '
' ) wl( '
Electronic Russian
' ) wl( ' developed by
' ) wl( ' Gary R. Jahn
' ) wl( ' © 2001, 2002, 2013 University of Minnesota' ) wl( '
' ) wl( '
' ) wl( 'This version of "Electronic Russian" is still under construction.' ) wl( 'The developers would be glad to receive your comments and suggestions at' ) wl( '' ) wl( '
' ) g_DLG.dlg_open(wr, 'About This Program', null, null, 500) } function ext_init() { window.g_DBFN = 'RUSS' window.document.title = 'Electronic Russian' } /* video c08d01 = chp8prt2.mp4 c01d18 = chp1prt1.mp4 long_audio a_ template = less02.mp3 c17d08.htm href="Ranks/table.html" DD = c08d05 D:\_Desktop_\Russian\Nachalo\HTM\c08d01.htm (26): < video width="640" height="480" controls> D:\_Desktop_\Russian\Nachalo\HTM\c01d18.htm (28): < video width="320" height="240" poster="Video/chp1prt1.png" controls> D:\_Desktop_\Russian\Nachalo\HTM\c17d07.htm (99): table of ranks is here.]].

D:\_Desktop_\Russian\Nachalo\HTM\c17d07.htm (99): table of ranks is here.]].

D:\_Desktop_\Russian\Nachalo\HTM\c17d08.htm (242): table of ranks is here.]].

D:\_Desktop_\Russian\Nachalo\HTM\c01d16.htm (40):