






In a world that has begun realizing it is a global village, where communication is immediate via telephone, electronic mail, and fax and where advances in technology have dramatically reduced flight times, foreign language skills have become an absolute necessity. They are vital keys to achieving the new global order that is humanity's dream for the new millennium. To speak, read, write and understand another language is to begin understanding other people, and this understanding is increasingly recognized as crucial for harmony and prosperity in the world today. 

 The study of Russian is particularly important in a world where major powers are increasingly linked economically, scientifically and politically. The world now rejoices in the diminishment of the tension between Russia and the United States, but it is important to recognize that despite a declining international role in the last few years, Russia remains one of the world's most powerful nations. 

 The faculty and staff of the Department of Slavic and Central Asian Languages welcome you to the study of Russian and hope that you will find the material assembled in these pages both interesting and useful. 

 Please send your comments to Prof. Gary R. Jahn at or visit his homepage. Click here to hear an audio welcome message from Professor Jahn. 

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